Half-Life 2

Garry's Mod geht in die sechste Runde


Kaum eine HL²-Mod ist derzeit so beliebt, wie die Physikspielerei von Garry.

Seine gleichnamige Mod wurde nun endlich in der brandneuen Version 6 veröffentlicht und kommt wieder mit zahlreichen Änderungen und Verbesserungen daher.

So kann man jetzt per ''Face-Poser'' den virtuellen Pappkameraden allerhand Gesichtsausdrücke verpassen und dank einer neuen Fire-Gun lassen sich so ziemlich alle Objekte in Brand stecken.

Was es sonst noch so Neues gibt, könnt ihr der Changelog entnehmen:

v6 - 26/01/2005

Welded objects no longer collide with each other
Fixed cannister sound playing even after cannister was deleted
Made physgun holding more rigid
Added ability to rotate physgun objects with the USE key (Thanks again Adnan http://skew.telefragged.com/mods/hl2/ARGG/)
Disabled electric boogie on combine ragdolls
Removed more console spamming messages
Updated Spawn menu system to accommodate more items
Added 'Effects' to Spawn menu
Wheels no longer collide with the object they're attached to
Added ability to change direction of motorized wheels (USE while aiming at wheel)
Added Thrust VGUI menu
- Ability to turn off steam
- Ability to turn off sound
- Ability to bind thrusts to keypad buttons
- Ability to turn all on/off
- Ability to remove all

Added wheel VGUI menu
- Ability to remove all

Added balloon VGUI menu
Improved stability of ropes
Added constraint crossbow VGUI menu
- Faster constraint type selection
- Ability to remove each type of constraint individually
- Added Ballsocket constraints
- Added Pulley constraints
- You can now weld objects to the landscape
- Ability to undo your last constraint (Yay!)

Ropes now remove if either of their attachments are removed (Thanks Jay)
Added multitool weapon with VGUI menu
- Face poser (ragdolls & NPCs) (Thanks Yahn)
- Set eye positions (ragdolls & NPCs)
- Remove gun (Aim and fire to remove almost anything)
- Ignite gun (set most things on fire)
- Paint gun

Removed paint gun
Thrusters now attach to specific parts of a ragdoll
Wheels do too (Matress car! Finally!)
You now position the flashlight rather than carry it
Added RPG VGUI menu
- Can now shoot (multiple, guided) RPGs
- 3 fire rates
- 33 Items to fire

Added info menu (press F1)
Increased the power of explosions (physically)
Reduced spawned objects spawning in walls
Updated map (worst displacements ever?)

This mod adds

pistol - attaches manhacks and scanners
357 - camera functions
shotgun - apply motorized tires
gravity gun - 'mega' gravity gun
physics gun - stronger, faster and prop pausing
crossbow - various constraints
RPG - shoots out props
shotgun2 - apply gas cannister
camera - zoom in, take pictures
spawn menu - spawn almost any item in the game
paint gun - paint those walls!
balloon gun - they all float down here!
face poser - pose uh.. faces
fire gun - set stuff on fire
remover gun - remove stuff

Klickt auf den untenstehenden Link, um Garry's Mod v6 runterladen zu können!

Links zur Meldung
