Wird das Loot-System von Anthem grundlegend überarbeitet?

Hinweise in Stellenanzeigen

News Gerücht Michael Sosinka

Mehrere Stellenanzeigen deuten an, dass BioWare das Loot-System von "Anthem" umfangreich überarbeiten möchte. Dieser Teil des Spiel wird oft kritisiert und möglicherweise wird es ein grundlegendes Re-Design geben. Nachfolgend seht ihr die neuen Posten.


BioWare: Senior Systems Designer (Loot)

  • BioWare is looking for an creative and passionate Senior Systems Designer with experience in Loot Systems to join our studio in either Austin or Edmonton to work on our newest IP Anthem. Building a truly great server side loot system, that is scalable, has modern concepts like streak-breaking, and easily modifiable data formats. A great loot system ensures that the players have predictable experiences that can be measured with data.

BioWare: System Designer I (Item Creation and Design)

  • BioWare is looking for an creative and passionate Systems Designer I with experience in Item Creation to join our studio in either Austin or Edmonton to work on our newest IP Anthem. This is an important role in a looter-shooter like Anthem. The System Designer is responsible for creating a system of itemization that players can understand, but they are also responsible for creating interesting and compelling choices with the combat team. They also ensure that the properties on items work in the way intended.

BioWare: System Designer I (Store and Reward Pipeline)

  • BioWare is looking for an creative and passionate Systems Designer I with experience in Store Management and Reward Pipelines to join our studio in either Austin or Edmonton to work on our newest IP Anthem. This role handles both store flow and creation, also ensuring not just the data that comes from managing the store, but also the flow of all rewards in the game, so the game has compelling rewards in every avenue offered by the experience. This role also reviews access to the types of items that come in through the pipeline to ensure (via data) that the players are getting what they want.

BioWare: System Designer II (Combat Balance)

  • BioWare is looking for an creative and passionate Systems Designer II with experience in Combat Balance to join our studio in either Austin or Edmonton to work on our newest IP Anthem. This role is responsible for moment to moment tuning of the game, ensuring that the player and monster abilities are equivalent in ways players understand. This role will work closely with the item designers to ensure their assumptions about the player power matches the awesome items in the game world.
