Control wird verbessert

Konsolen-Performance in der Kritik

News Michael Sosinka

Auf der normalen Xbox One und PlayStation 4 ist die Performance von "Control" nicht immer ausreichend. Das wird verbessert.


Remedy Entertainment hat bestätigt, dass das frisch veröffentlichte "Control" mit kommenden Updates in diversen Bereichen verbessert wird. Dazu zählt auch die Performance auf den Konsolen. Vor allem bei den Standard-Versionen von Xbox One und PlayStation 4 kommt es zu niedrigen Bildraten, was für viel Kritik sorgt.

Obwohl das Team derzeit nach Möglichkeiten sucht, das Erlebnis auf den Konsolen zu optimieren, konnte Remedy Entertainment noch keinen Zeitrahmen dafür nennen. Unter anderem wird es für Konsolen-Spieler möglich sein, Motion-Blur auszuschalten. Nachfolgend seht ihr eine kurze Übersicht mit geplanten Änderungen.


  • In most cases RTX issues are solved by making sure you have the latest version of Windows 10 (1903)


  • Some good news – As part of our next update (tentatively mid to late September) we’ll be providing players with an ON/OFF toggle for Motion Blur and Film Grain. This will come to all platforms.


  • We hear you and we’re addressing the issues reported! Our developers are working to improve how the in-game map loads to ensure that all the relevant info displays immediately and correctly, as it should. We’ll provide more info on this very soon.


  • Right now, the team are looking at possible ways of improving console optimization in Control, but as you can hopefully understand, these things do take time and don’t happen at the press of a button (as much as we wish they did). We are also examining specific issues that some players have been experiencing and looking for fixes on those. When we have more info, we will be sure to let you know across our community channels.


  • Early on in Control’s development, it was decided that HDR would not be implemented in-game. This is a decision based on the fact that development resources are limited, and we need to allocate what we have in a certain way. Moving into post launch, we prefer to use the resources we have to focus on future free content for Control like the Photo Mode. We realize this may disappoint some players, but we hope the additions we plan to bring to Control more than make up for the absence of HDR.


  • To wrap things up, we want to take this opportunity to make it clear that this is just the beginning. Next week, we hope to provide our players with an update on future content plans something we know many of you are very keen on. Stay tuned for more information on that!
