Update 2 für Doom Eternal veröffentlicht

Changelog mit Infos & Trailer

News Video Michael Sosinka

Der Entwickler id Software hat das Update 2 für "Doom Eternal" veröffentlicht, das neben einer Reihe von Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen auch neue Event-Inhalte und eine neue Arena für den Battle-Modus bereithält. Im Changelog stehen alle Details und ausserdem ist ein passender Trailer verfügbar.

Pech und Pein

  • Macht euch auf Schmerzen und Pein gefasst! Mit Update 2 werfen wir den Slayer und das Dämonen-Duo in tückische, zugewucherte Gänge, in denen seltsame Symbole und Zeichen zu finden sind.
  • Wer die Map „Pein“ meistern will, muss die engen Gänge meistern. Der Slayer kann sich der Sprung-Pads bedienen, um schnell grössere Strecken zurückzulegen, sollte aber immer die Augen offenhalten: Die engen Stellen eignen sich hervorragend für ein paar wohlplatzierte Fallen der Dämonen – der Vorteil wird so in Windeseile zum Nachteil.


  • Neben den gängigen Fehlerbehebungen und Optimierungen für den Multiplayer haben wir uns mit Update 2 den Latenzproblemen gewidmet. Ausserdem könnt ihr jetzt die Tastenkürzel für die Dämonen anpassen, sodass ihr euch bestens auf eure Finger abgestimmt in den BATTLE-MODUS stürzen könnt.

Fixes for ALL Platforms

  • Fixed a number of exploits in the campaign that would allow the player to climb outside the maps
  • Fixed pinned Weekly Challenges. Previously, if you pinned a weekly challenge and it expired, it stayed pinned
  • Fixed a number of graphical issues in the campaign where parts of the environment would temporarily pop in and out of view
  • Fixed an issue on the Mission Select menu where secrets were not properly displaying as completed
  • Fixed an issue where the Crucible would consume more ammunition than intended in some situations
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Party Mode cheat code from activating properly
  • Fixed an issue with the Chaingun Energy Shield mod in BATTLEMODE that prevented The Slayer from taking damage from any angle while active instead of just the front
  • Fixed an issue in BATTLEMODE that cause the Carcass shield to not play sound on activation
  • Fixed an issue in BATTLEMODE where demon players wouldn’t hear the Arbalest charging in some situations
  • Fixed a rare issue in BATTLEMODE where the Marauder’s wolf summon ability would become stuck on cooldown
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when navigating the social and settings menus while the on-screen keyboard was active
  • Fixed an issue in BATTLEMODE where power up pop-up text failed to display for Russian players
  • Fixed a crash in BATTLEMODE on the post-match screen in private matches
  • Fixed an issue that would allow the Energy Shield mod to remain active permanently after being destroyed by a rocket barrage
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Archvile players from activating the Flame Wall ability in some certain situations

Fixes for PC only

  • Fixed an issue in BATTLEMODE that would cause projectiles from the Prowler, Cacodemon, Baron of Hell and Arachnotron to remain suspended in midair
  • Fixed an issue in BATTLEMODE that caused the Marauder’s dash to not play sound for other players
  • Using the Super Shotgun's flaming Meathook on shield soldiers now correctly generates armor shards

Fixes for Xbox One only

  • Fixed a control lock that occurred when entering photo mode during a glory kill

Fixes for PS4 only

  • Fixed a rare issue that would cause the player to exit the map when rapidly melee attacking the Khan Maykr
  • Fixed an issue in BATTLEMODE that would causes damage indicators to persist on screen after respawning
  • Fixed an issue while hosting a party that could prevent the host from chatting or queuing after suspending the title
