Gaming News

"Super Hexagon"-Macher cancelt Nachfolger

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Terry Cavanagh entwickelte im Alleingang das Spiel "Super Hexagon". Kurz darauf kündigte er mit "Nexus City" bereits einen Nachfolger an. Dieser wurde nun jedoch von Cavanagh gecancelt, da laut ihm der "besondere Moment" schon längst vergangen ist.


Auf seinem persönlichen Blog berichtet der Entwickler über den Werdegang des Spiels und warum er sich schliesslich doch gegen eine Vollendung entschieden hat.

I've been thinking of Nexus City as "the thing I'm working on" since 2010. As a result, for a long time now, I've felt like I wasn't really in control of what I can work on. Promising games would come along, and I'd stop myself from getting too deep into them, because I had to finish Nexus City first. Everything became a big ordered list of what I could work on and when, how long I could spend on it. It's only when a project like Super Hexagon came along, and forced itself on me — became too much to ignore, that I was able to turn that part of my head off. And I could do it, but even then I constantly had that pressure — when this is done, I need to get back to Nexus City.

I don't think that's creatively healthy.

Neben dem Rollenspiel "Nexus City" hat er dementsprechend auch die Arbeiten an dessen Spin-Off Selma's Story abgebrochen um sich nun einige Zeit zurückzuziehen und Kraft für neue Ideen zu sammeln.

